It’s 1943! There’s a war on! But Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve has problems of his own. Summerfield’s wily water commissioner has got work trouble, car trouble, and women trouble…and his niece and nephew aren’t making things any easier!Harold Peary stars as Gildy in these twelve digitally restored and remastered episodes. Walter Tetley co-stars as Leroy, along with Lurene Tuttle as Marjorie, Lillian Randolph as Birdie, and Shirley Mitchell as the one and only Leila Ransom.
Includes a Program Guide by Ivan G. Shreve, Jr.
Episodes Include: Leroy Runs Away 02-01-42; Auto Mechanics 02-08-42; Gildy Repairs His Car 04-04-43; Leroy Gets a Job 05-23-43; End of Vacation at Grass Lake 08-29-43; Leila Arrives Home 09-26-43; Low Water Pressure 10-24-43; Halloween Party 10-31-43; The Pot Roast 11-07-43; Gildy in Hospital 01-09-44; Income Tax Returns 01-16-44; Sleigh Ride 02-06-44